Incoming OLG Kinder Students
All classes will be offered by Mrs. Estrada, our OLG Kinder Teacher
1st Period 9:00 am to 9:50 am
Book Club Fun (Incoming Kinder accepted to OLG) Material Fee $25
What is a Book Club? This is a class where we will read a story and have a craft immediately after the story! Each week we will focus on a different Author. We will read books from Mo Willems, Eric Carle, James Dean, and Dr. Seuss. Come ready to make crafts at Book Club and Fun!
2nd Period 9:55 am to 10:45 am
Adventure Time! (Incoming Kinder accepted to OLG) Material Fee $25
Come join the fun! we will go on a new adventure each week in the Month of July. We will explore the ocean, forest, safari, and the rainforest. The children will have fun learning about these different habitats with hands-on learning. They will create a coral reef museum and a camouflage lizard while learning about many more animals and their habitats!
3rd Period 11:05 am to 11:55 am
Mad Scientist (Incoming Kinder accepted to OLG) Material Fee $40
Children can master anything when it is fun! In this class we will have hands-on science experiments. Students will explore magnetism, color changing flowers, swirling milk experiment, and much more! Come and join the fun!